ISO standards provide a universal language

One of the main benefits of ISO 9001 Consultancy is to favour the interrelation within any work and professional environment. This entity aims at the security and efficiency of the services provided by any organization or company. So far, 162 countries grant a space to the standards proposed in their regulations.
Going by a model of standards at the business level allows established communications to be more harmonious when speaking the same language. But ISO UAE standards do not just attend negotiations. Propose from the paper measurements (ISO 216), from where the A4, A3 sizes arise, among others, to proposals for Environmental Management (ISO 14000), health, agriculture and Quality Management Systems (ISO 9000, 9001 and 9004).

The ISO 9001 standard is an international quality management regulation applicable to any type of organization in any sector or activity, and perfectly integrated with the management characteristics of any existing company given its great flexibility.
This standard is based on eight principles of quality management:
  • Customer orientation.
  • Leadership.
  • Staff participation
  • Process-based approach
  • System approach to management.
  • Continuous improvement
  • Focus based on facts for decision making.
  • Mutually beneficial supplier relationships.
The implementation of environmental management systems under the ISO 14001 Consultancy and training implies the start-up of a new business approach, driven to control those aspects of the business that can have a significant impact on the environment. The ISO 14001 standard can be implemented in any organization, regardless of its size or type of business.
The ISO 14001 certification by ISO Consultancy demonstrates its benefits by making organizations more aware of their environmental responsibilities, including the legal aspects of their activity, and allowing the management and control of associated risks.
Do you really know the changes and how would they apply in your company?
  • Identify, control and reduce your risks: We help you in the definition of a specific methodology for the identification and evaluation of the risks associated with each work process.
  • Increase control over your processes: The process approach is enhanced by the new standards. We help you to define exactly your processes (responsible, inputs, outputs, resources, indicators, etc.).
  • Reduce the costs of this process: A good consultancy based on ISO 45001 Consultancy and Training is adaptable to a comfortable implementation process and without work overload, tell us your current situation and we advise you on the best way to apply the changes.
  • Less bureaucracy and paperwork: The new versions of the standards do not explicitly require so many documents, but rather pursue a greater training and knowledge of the processes by all employees.
  • Identify and control the life cycle of your products and / or services: Your methodology should carefully reflect on the life cycle stages that may be under your influence, allowing you to reduce or prevent the impacts that your product / service may generate.
  • Identify the context and stakeholders: Learn how the context and / or stakeholders can affect your management system and improve their relationship with them through appropriate communication channels.


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