Choose best ISO Consultancy ABU DHABI

The ISO 14001 Standard was born in response to the global concern for the environment and the proliferation of regional environmental regulations. It is in this context, the need arises a universal indicator to evaluate the efforts of an organization to achieve a reliable and adequate environmental protection.

It should be borne in mind that the standards stipulated by ISO 14001 do not set environmental goals for the prevention of pollution, nor are they involved in global environmental performance, but instead establish tools and systems focused on production processes within the a company or organization, and the effects or externalities that these derive to the environment.

These standards, from the ISO 14000 series, have given a new focus to the way in which governments and industry can efficiently tackle environmental issues.

Objectives of the ISO 14001 standard

One of the main objectives of the ISO Consultancy ABU DHABI is to provide a common language for environmental management by establishing a framework for the certification of environmental management systems by third parties helping the industry to meet the demand of consumers and government agencies for greater environmental responsibility.

What does ISO 14001 require?

The ISO UAE TRAINING arises from the need to protect the environment in accordance with the principles of sustainable development, so that this environmental commitment must not only be expressed in good intentions but must be translated into demonstrable facts.

That is why this standard is called "green" ISO. ISO Training concept requires the participation of the entire organization. However, this regulation of the ISO 14000 series is applicable to all types of organizations and companies, since these regulations do not impose -they do not define how to do things, but rather they are rules for defining management policy.
We conclude, therefore, that the requirements of the ISO 14001 standard are based on the accreditation and demonstration of responsibility towards the environment, adapting to the characteristics of each organization.

To whom is the ISO 14001 standards addressed?

This ISO Risk Consulting standard is aimed at all types of companies, regardless of size or activity. Let's see some of the key aspects to clarify its scope:
  • An International Recognition Standard
This Standard has become one of the world leaders in Environmental Certification
  • To companies whose activity may directly or indirectly affect the environment?
The need to conserve the Environment promotes the generalization of the implementation of the ISO 14001 Standard, which finally forces other companies to implement an Environmental Management model based on this Regulation.
  • A market requirement
Implement ISO 14001, is the correct way to demonstrate the responsibility of a company with the environment, so it has become a common requirement of markets and governments that also demonstrate in this way, their environmental commitment.
  • To prove the Good Treatment of the Environment

ISO Consultancy SHARJAH, the only way to demonstrate the results of a policy of respect for the environment is through the controls and records established by the standard.


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